Post tagged: version-control

Arx cheatsheet

Setting up Arx

arx my-id 'A Cryptic Moniker <>'
    Set up your identity.
arx my-editor vi
    Set your default editor for changing logs etc.
arx make-archive ~/Documents/Arx/Commits
    Set up an archive.
arx my-default-archive
    Make an archive your default.
arx my-revision-library …

Installing git on RHEL3

The hard way


I had to install git on a Redhat server, without the benefit of a package managers, local repository or anything like a sensible configuration. Because "security".

Install a recent version of lib curl

Why? because git calls cur_easy_strerror which was only introduced in libcurl 7.12.0. RHEL3 has …

Version control systems for Mac OS X

Some quick notes from my search for decent source code control.

This document was originally written in late 2003 / early 2004. The scene has changed some in the meanwhile, with various offshoots of Arch and Subversion gaining a lot of mindshare, and some of the URLs are probably now invalid. However, the broad conclusions still hold, and this is left here …