Post tagged: tools

Rdoc, the essentials

A short memory jogger.
= Top level title

== 2nd level / sub-title


A horizontal rule is at least 4 dashes


Text can be _italic_, *bold* or +monospaced typewriter+.

   Verbatim / literal text is indented. But look out
   if it's after a list, as they must be idented to a
   different extent


   * Indent your lists and use stars …

Arx cheatsheet

Setting up Arx

arx my-id 'A Cryptic Moniker <>'
    Set up your identity.
arx my-editor vi
    Set your default editor for changing logs etc.
arx make-archive ~/Documents/Arx/Commits
    Set up an archive.
arx my-default-archive
    Make an archive your default.
arx my-revision-library …

Installing git on RHEL3

The hard way


I had to install git on a Redhat server, without the benefit of a package managers, local repository or anything like a sensible configuration. Because "security".

Install a recent version of lib curl

Why? because git calls cur_easy_strerror which was only introduced in libcurl 7.12.0. RHEL3 has …

Installing Pydee on OSX

Short notes on getting Pydee (and PyQt) to run on a Mac.

Pydee is new and nifty graphical frontend for using Ipython. Unfortunately, there's no monolithic binary package available for installing (at least not on the Mac), and so users have to install and compile all the prerequisites. Given the the number of steps and small but important details, it's easy to …

Doxygen cheatsheet

Doxygen is a free tool for documenting code. With a single command it can generate cross-referenced HTML documentation from any C++ or Java code. Furthermore, if the code is commented in a particualr styled, Doxygen can leverage that to enhance the documentation. The below is a selection of the most …