Post tagged: redcap


A builder for more compact REDCap schema


REDCap is a fabulously useful tool for creating web databases, including a useful scheme for defining the database schema ("data dictionaries") in plain CSV files. However, difficulties arise when designing complex schema. It is cumbersome to code multiuple occurences of essentially the same field (e.g. sample_1 ... sample_2 ...). If …

What I done learned about REDCap

A few surprises

For those not in the know, REDCap is a platform for creating and editing databases through the web. And by and large, it works fine. It saves a lot of development effort. It provides good reporting tools for users. It's secure and robust. But there are some things to be …

Tools for data

How to store data, what to use

Prompted by a recent tweet asking what people used for storing and managing their data, I wrote down my own hard-won lessons on the topic. In rough order of preference and data complexity:

A hierarchical strategy

Use restructured text for documentation

Or markdown / asciidoc. The advantages of this being:

  • It's …