Post tagged: plone

Porting this site to Pelican

On making a simpler website in a slightly complicated way.


Way, way back, this site ran on various permutations of PHP-based frameworks. Getting sick of ugly URLs and having to vigilantly update the software so as to avoid hacks (and still periodically falling victim to various hacks), I went in search of a Python-based framework that I could customize …

Upgrading to 3.0

In which, again, Plone makes something simple complicated.

Despite the Plone community's tendency to dump everything and jump onto the latest version, I'd resisted the move to Plone 3.0. One good reason for this is that I'd repeatedly installed Plone 3.0 and it had - repeatedly - failed to startup. The symptoms weren't identical every time, but most …

Tips & tricks

Some brutal experience gained while learning to love Zope.


Ah, archetypes. How I adore thee. Other ways of constructing Plone content are as nothing before me. You are quick to develop, flexible in your approach, sensible in your defaults. But cryptic in your errors.

A lesson or two on breaking archetypes: First, not all fields accept all widgets …

Changing a user's password

When "reset password" fails.

How do you give a user a new password? Well, in the "User & Groups" control panel, you select reset password for them. What if they've lost or changed their email address? In the same place, set the new one. What if "that doesn't work"? You can assign them a new …

Installing PloneRSS

Notes for the less persistent.

One of Plone's marked faults has been the lack of an out-of-the-box RSS aggregation product. Although there have been a number of attempts (CMFSin, CMFNewsFeed, CMFFeed), these are unfinished, quirky or only semi-functional. Fortunately, PloneRSS is a robust solution for gathering and publishing newsfeeds on your site. Unfortunately, installation is …

One great big bag of Plone problems

Assorted bugs, weirdness and some solutions.

Whenever I get a cryptic error from Plone (which is all too frequently), I google to see if anyone else has it. This is me paying back into the system.

Can't add type: 'NoneType has no attribute get'

After fiddling with the schema on a type, adding it then failed …


Simple utilties for Plone product initilisation and installation.



This library was developed for personal use during the bad old days of Plone development around version 2.5. It almost certainly does not work with Plone 3+ and is kept here for historical interest.

This library originated from a desire to do away with the large amount …

On the debugging of page templates

... and form controllers and macros and webforms ...

Try embedding something like this in your code:

<dl class="collapsible inline collapsedOnLoad">
<dt class="collapsibleHeader">Title</dt>
<dd class="collapsibleContent">
<span tal:replace="structure python: here.printRequest(request,
errors)"/> </dd>

and supply the necessary printRequest somewhere in your code or as a script:

def printRequest (self, request, errors …

Restoring viewlets

How do you get a Plone theme to uninstall and restore viewlets to the usual way. That is the mystery ...

The symptoms

In a theme I recently built, I moved or hid several viewlets around for artistic effect. The problem didn't show itself until I uninstalled the theme. The viewlets …

The incident of the missing form script

The incident of the missing form script, another Plone mystery.


While developing a series of forms using CMFFormController, suddenly one of the components couldn't be found.

To recap (and serve as an example to those neophytes), CMFFormController structures your forms as a series of form templates or scripts with metadata files determining how execution moves between them. In this …

The strange case of uneditable files and odd formats

A Plone mystery.


Some uploaded files (i.e. the Plone File content type) aren't editable after creation. The edit tab is visible, but clicking on it takes you to the That content does not exist error page. The file objects are well behaved in all other cases. Uploading new files showed that …

Upgrading to 2.1.x

Some notes on the process of updating your Plone site software.

The process of upgrading a Plone site can be intricate. The 2.0.x to 2.1.x jump is no different. (Anyone who has followed the series of quirks and bugs in over the early part of 2006 will have seen the evidence.) While you could just …

VisualWidget, don't do It

More accurately, can't do it. A schema for Archetypes Visual Widget that works.

Archetypes Visual widget - the WYSIWYG HTML editor that shows up on Pages in Plone 2.5 - is pretty damn nice. I've had problems with Epoz and this is the first embedded web editor that makes me think about giving up on restructured text.

Getting it to work in your own …