Post tagged: package


Validation and conversion of data.


This package has been taken over by TODO, who has substantially re-engineered it and chnaged some of the API. This page is maintained for largely historical purposes.


The problem of sanitizing data (checking correctness and transforming to a useful form) is widespread throughout programming:

  • How do I verify …


Simple commandline questions


Interactive command-line programs need to query users for information, be it text, choices from a list, or simple yes-or-no answers. qanda is a module of simple functions to prompt users for such information, allowing validation and cleanup of answers, default responses, consistent formatting and presentation of help text, hints …


Retrieving book data from online sources.


This package presents a number of methods for querying webservices for bibliographic information, and includes two scripts for querying and renaming files by ISBN.


This package can be installed by the usual Pythonic methods:

  1. use your favourite installation tool:

    % easy_install biblio.webquery
  2. or download the source, unpack it …